virtual campus – 2020 version of studying!

Online Teaching and Studying – Even Closer to Reality thanks to VR!

Electronically supported teaching and learning is more important today than ever before. Tutorials, professor-student contact, online trainings and workshops – all these offers can be used online. From online courses to e-learning, even the biggest refusers had to face these new concepts at the latest during the corona crisis. E-learning is therefore the thing everyboody is talking about. For many, because of Corona, this means staying at home and learning online, attending lectures and seminars via Zoom, working through lecture slides on their own and so on. Location-bound teaching is getting very old very fast, be it for health or resource reasons. So what does the future hold? Two words: virtual campus.

Virtual University - in Tune With the Times

Universities, however, remain a central, public place – and will soon, hopefully, once again become a place of gathering and exchange. Libraries and archives are also central spaces for collected knowledge. And likewise physical appearances for important bureaucratic matters, for example, don’t seem to be going away anytime soon! 

WU Wien virtual tour indoor aula

Modern Education: Virtual Reality = Future

Virtual reality tours have significant advantages for those interested in universities, technical colleges or other educational institutions: Instead of using blueprints and photos alone, panoroom makes VR walk-through possible; seeing a location from all perspectives by the virtue of 360-degree photography, presenting dollhouse sketches for even better understanding of the buildings, layout, organization and distances. Such blueprints can even be enhanced with buttons that enable precise immersion in all the smallest details of the corresponding rooms and their functions, no matter how small. The technology is particularly relevant for first-year students or new employees trying to quickly find their way around the virtual campus. panoroom offers an unprecedented, detailed access to both rooms and spatial understanding, and also enables a realistic experience of the institution and immersion in campus life, all of that thanks to the state of the art virtual reality renderings.

VR Experience to Increase Awareness on the Market!

panoroom’s virtual campus tours are compatible with all major VR glasses (e.g. Oculus Quest 1 & 2) and can also be embedded on websites and social media platforms. As an official Google Street View partner, we can also add the 3D tours directly to Google myBusiness listings and position each tour in a way that improves our clients’ Google ranking. Private educational institutions in particular can benefit enormously from this, improve their visibility and reputation.

Are you also interested in virtualizing your company? Would you like to join the ranks of our satisfied customers? Then contact us at

Picture of Christian Wolf
Christian Wolf

CEO panoroom gmbh